
O human, wherefore art thou?


In The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster, human like ourselves are living under the Machine supremacy where the direct individual contacts are rarely necessary as all the communication can be achieved via a kind of instant messaging/video conferencing machine. The world has also became a place where you ask to be a parent, and your request can likely be turned down by the Machine because you are not a type that the Machine desires to hand on, or you can also ask for Euthanasia but the death-rate is not permitted to exceed the birth-rate, and the Machine hitherto might refuse it to you. Those who do not accept the deity of the Machine are viewed as 'unmechanical' and threatened with Homelessness. What a wild wild world it has become... Can you possibly believe that it was actually written in 1909, in other words, over 60 years before the Internet was even invented?

Free eBook:The Machine Stops

An adaptation from "Out of the Unknown" S2E1 *Spoiler Alert!*

Although spying on Kuno in white spandex is a privilege, I highly recommend reading the book first.

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